The Choice is yours

Do I need a management company? How do I choose the best company?

These are often the main two questions associations mull over to come to the final determination of: Is a property management company the answer for our association.

Management companies take away the stress of dealing with the day-to-day business which comes along with managing a community. Associations now have one point person to make recommendations and offer solutions. The management company does not replace the board of directors; the management company takes directives from the board and works with the board to ensure all rules and regulations ae followed, common areas are upkept and the associations finances are being managed properly.

How do you choose the right management company?

Unfortunately, some management companies will trick associations by making promises they cannot keep in order to get the contract.  The perfect way to have all of the associations wants, concerns and issues addressed is by creating a request for proposal (RFP). This ensures all proposals the association receives are tailored towards the needs of the association. If you do not have one and would like information on how to know if you are choosing the best management company, email us at for a (no strings attached) list of questions the board can ask during interviews.